Energy storage is a critical part of U.S. infrastructure—

keeping the grid reliable, lowering energy costs, minimizing power outages, increasing U.S. energy production, and strengthening national security.

Ensuring Grid Reliability

Energy storage efficiently and conveniently captures electricity so that it can be used whenever and wherever it’s most needed.

Lowering Energy Costs

Energy storage reduces energy waste, improves grid efficiency, limits costly energy imports, prevents and minimizes power outages, and allows the grid to use more affordable clean energy resources—all of which reduce energy costs for consumers.

Minimizing Power Outages

Energy storage prevents or reduces the risk of blackouts or brownouts by serving as critical backup power for homes, businesses, communities, and entire state and regional electric grids.

Increasing U.S. Energy Production

Energy storage facilitates the expansion of U.S. energy production, supporting the addition of all types of new energy sources.

Strengthening National Security

Energy storage strengthens our energy independence and national security by maximizing the use of affordable electricity produced in the United States, reducing the need for costly imported energy.

The U.S. storage sector is experiencing remarkable growth. That's because energy storage is the only technology connected to the grid that can capture excess energy when it would otherwise be wasted, and re-deliver that energy to the grid when it's most needed.

Energy storage is truly unique in its ability to add flexibility and efficiency to our nation's power grid.

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are great neighbors. Storage's unique capabilities serve communities in safe, clean, efficient, and affordable ways. Storage provides reliability during historic adverse weather events, serving as back-up power for individual homes, businesses, communities, and the broader grid system to minimize and prevent costly and dangerous power outages.

Battery storage is designed with safety as an inherent feature. The storage industry also coordinates with governments and regulators to ensure projects are built to account for the safety needs of every community.

What is Energy Storage?
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Energy Storage Saves Money & Reduces Costs

By storing energy when the price of electricity is low and discharging that energy later during periods of high demand, energy storage can reduce costs for utilities and save families and businesses money.

Also, by enhancing grid reliability and providing back-up power, energy storage can prevent costly damages to families and businesses associated with power outages.

Money saved by battery storage on Texas' grid in one month.
How much Nevada customers' energy bills will be reduced  after the installation of one energy storage project.
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Energy Storage Encourages More US-Produced Clean Energy

Wind and solar are the cheapest sources of electricity—electricity that is produced in America. Energy storage supports using more clean energy by storing it when supply is high but demand is low, which enables the grid to incorporate more of the most cost-effective sources of electricity generation.

7 GW
Energy storage brought online in 2023, helping the electric grid integrate more and more American energy.
invested annually in new American clean energy resources—enabled and supported by energy storage technologies
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Energy Storage is Safe

Grid-scale battery energy storage is safe and highly regulated, growing safer as technology advances and as regulations adopt the most up-to-date safety standards.

Fire incidents at energy storage facilities are extremely rare occurrences and remain isolated, but the industry has taken a proactive approach to working with policymakers and fire officials to promote safety. And as more facilities are built, the percentage of battery fires continues to decrease.

< 20
Total safety incidents at operating U.S. energy storage facilities for the past decade. Incidents are incredibly rare
Monitoring and the most advanced safety features and strategies help make energy storage a leading resource for grid reliability
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Energy Storage Supports Local Economies

The rapidly-growing industry supports 72,000 good-paying jobs through development, construction, and maintenance of storage facilities.

A recent U.S. manufacturing renaissance added to the 10,000 new jobs at factories producing storage technology across the country.

U.S. grid-scale energy storage projects deliver over $580 million each year to local communities in the form of tax revenue and land lease payments
America's current grid-scale energy storage projects represent $21 billion of capital investment
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Energy Storage Reduces Power Outages

Energy storage technologies have the unique capabilities to keep the lights on when the power grid is under stress. In both Texas and California, energy storage technologies have prevented black outs during significant heatwaves—keeping people safe, power affordable, and the power on for businesses.

3.5 GW
of batteries on California’s grid prevented blackouts on Sept. 6, 2022.
1.5 GWh
delivered by battery energy storage within one hour to the Texas grid on Sept. 6, 2023 helped prevent serious damage to the grid and blackouts.
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Energy Storage is Energy Efficient

By storing energy when there is excess supply of clean energy compared to demand, energy storage can reduce the need to stop (curtail) generation facilities and instead store and use the excess energy later when it is needed.

Storage is also instantly dispatchable, so it helps the grid adjust to fluctuations in demand and supply, which increases grid flexibility, alleviates transmission congestion, and optimizes grid efficiency—reducing overall system costs.

3,000 megawatts of new energy storage resources—in states like Maryland—can result in $100 million per year saved in electricity costs
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Energy Storage Strengthens Energy Independence & National Security

Energy storage reduces the country's need to depend on costly imported energy.

Energy storage helps us maximize the use of affordable electricity produced in the United States.

The 30+ GW of energy storage in the development pipeline will power 24 million US homes, continuing to develop our independence from costly imported energy

Energy storage is a leading technology for boosting grid reliability and lowering energy costs for families and businesses.


Energy Storage Project to Reduce Costs 15-20%

In Nevada, a new battery storage facility built on the site of a former coal plant is expected to reduce customer bills by 15-20%, while enhancing grid reliability by storing excess solar energy during the day to use during peak hours.
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How New Battery Capacity Helped California Avoid Another Blackout

“The August 2020 heatwave resulted in a surge in demand to a peak of 46.8 GW, which resulted in blackouts. Even though the September 2022 heatwave caused a higher demand of 51.4 GW, new BES[S] provided 3.4 GW of peak generation to help prevent the blackouts.”
Read the article
Explore our energy storage safety library

Energy storage and safety

Battery energy storage has an outstanding track record of safety and reliability. Facilities are safe by design, adhering to rigorous safety standards and incorporating the most advanced safety strategies and features.

More about energy storage safety

Our partnerships

Local fire departments and first responders work with storage developers on safety training, sharing information about how the technologies work, and developing joint response plans and safety strategies.

State and local governments can support and promote safety by adopting NFPA 855, the gold standard for energy storage safety developed by fire service professionals and fire protection experts. Uniform adoption of NFPA 855 ensures best practices are utilized across the United States.

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